Our Youth program is designed to serve young adults navigating employment and education. We're here to help remove barriers to help you stay focused.
Youth 16-24 Program
Comprehensive Career Coaching
Occupational Skills Training
Help Removing Barriers to Future Success
Paid Work Experience
Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Financial Literacy
College Prep
Labor Market Education
Leadership Development
Secondary School
Summer Employment & Internships
Supportive Services
Get Empowered to Control Your Future!
We're here to help you navigate and explore your path to a successful career even if you're just starting out or lost a job.
Gain skills and experience by exploring various high demand industries in our Summer Career Exploration Program. We're here to help you discover your strengths and gain new skill you'll need to succeed in the modern world.
Our Youth program is designed to empower and provide youth and young adults with the opportunity to develop and achieve goals through education and workforce training.
Don’t have much work experience? We're here to help you discover your strengths and gain new skill you'll need to succeed in the modern world.
We're committed to helping you connect with the resources and tools you need to succeed.
Work with a Career Specialist to determine your workforce training needs, help you select a training provider and program, and assist you with funding for tuition, books, fees, and other supportive services like transportation and/or childcare reimbursement, if needed and eligible.

It is a known fact that employers have certain expectations when hiring new workers. Understanding and meeting those expectations is a determining factor of success in the workplace. Whether you need assistance to obtain a diploma or degree or a paid work experience, this program is designed to empower and provide youth and young adults with the opportunity to develop and achieve goals through education and workforce training.
If you are 16 - 24 years old, determined, and serious about making a positive change in your life, then this is an incredible opportunity to help make it happen. If you are willing to giving it your best, we will be your partner in achieving success.